You may have noticed about the website naming conventions, that some start with the HTTP and some with HTTPS. When you use any of these websites, you will barely feel a difference in their performance and usability. The thing that we are trying to say here is that these naming conventions have nothing to do with the performance. The extra “S” in the HTTPS stands for the Secured. Hence the HTTPS is simply the “Secured HTTP”.
Secured HTTP is gaining the interest of numerous website owners with every passing day. And as the HTTPS is a much-secured way to run the website, many existing websites that once run as HTTP, upgraded themselves to the HTTPS. In case you are also looking forward to getting HTTPS, then there are a few prerequisites that you need to fulfill to get it. The prerequisites we are talking about here is the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. To use HTTPS, you should have an SSL certificate for your website, after which you can use the HTTPS before the website.
Though the SSL certification is not that hard to get, still you should know about the different types of SSL certificates to get them for your website. Next, we are going to discuss the three different types of SSL Certifications that are used by the website and how trustworthy they are. So, be with us until the end and know all about the SSL certifications you can get for your website.
Domain level Validation
If you are looking for the simplest and the cheapest SSL certification for your website, then it would be none other than the domain level validation. The domain level certification is one of the simplest and easiest to achieve. The certificate authority (CA) offers the certificate for the domain level just by proving that the domain name belongs to you. This can be either done by sending the validation through the email or by having a look at the DNS records for the website.
Domain level validation is one of the simplest to get for a website and you can get them easily and quickly than the other two SSL certifications. Apart from being extremely simple, most certification authorities offer this for free. So, if you lack the budget and still want to have an SSL certification, the domain level validation will be a perfect choice for your website.
Organization level validation
The next SSL certification we are going to talk about is the organization level validation. This one is more reliable than the domain level certification but needs more time and money. IN this, the CA officials personally visit your office and investigate whether you actually own the website or not. Though it may take a few working days to get the certification, it is much more reliable than the domain level validation. So, if you care for your users and want to provide them decent security, the Organization Level SSL validation would be a perfect choice to make.
Extended validation
This validation is for financial firms, e-commerce websites, and other types of websites that need a much reliable and better level of security for the users. IN the extended validation, the officials will visit the office and thoroughly check the authentication. The only difference between the organization level and extended validation is that the extended one is more dense and they will need every small certification and authenticity documents from your end. These things generally include the organization’s operating status, the legal status of the company, the ownership documents for the website, and many others. They will cross check the documents’ authenticity and may need more time to provide the certificate.
Apart from being an extremely reliable certification, the extended level validation also is the most expensive one to get. So, if you are dealing with the website that really needs high-level security and justifies the price of the certification, then only you should go with the extended one, else the organization level validation would be enough for your website.
Bottom line
These were the three different types of SSL certifications available for the users. All of them provide great security to the website and the data transmission. So, if you are involved in an e-commerce business or have a website that stores the confidential data of the users, you should look for getting the SSL certification for your website.
Try finding a suitable certification for your website and them quickly to gain the trust of your website users and provide the best security they can have online.