Reseller Hosting Myths That Need To Be Debunked



Reseller hosting is a popular business plan in the web hosting industry. This hosting service helps people generate good profit by buying the hosting services from web hosting companies and selling them to websites. Those who want to have their own web hosting business but can’t afford a high budget can take the advantages of the reseller hosting business plan. With a lower budget, this can let you run your business and generate revenue.

Although it is a popular and profitable business in the hosting industry, there are many illusions in the mind of many people that confuse them while starting this business. So it is essential to clear all these illusions and understand this business model properly before starting it. Here are some false beliefs about reseller hosting that have no connection with this business at all, and they need to be debunked.

Hardware Knowledge Is Not Needed:

Many people think that for running a reseller hosting business, you don’t need to have the hardware knowledge. But this is not true. If you run any business without knowing how it works, then you can’t perform the business operations appropriately. Because reseller hosting is a business about offering hosting resources to your customers, you must know the basic server configuration, RAM, storage space, server type, hosting setup, etc. Instead of understanding the system thoroughly, these basic things are enough to run your business appropriately. This can help you create lucrative hosting packages and explain them to your customers.

Reseller Hosting Require Skill And High Budget:

It is another false belief of people about this business and should be ignored. In reseller hosting, you work as a middle man between the hosting provider and your customers. Though in the initial stage, it will be a little difficult, it is not completely difficult to manage this business. It is very simple to start a reseller hosting business. Also, it doesn’t require a higher budget because all resources are managed by the hosting provider.

Competition Is Very High:

Many people think that there is high competition in reseller hosting, although it is not true. In general, there is no business without competition, so you no need to worry about that. In the case of reseller hosting, several resellers are trying to get their potential customers in their specific target markets. Since everything in the world is becoming online now, and every business needs a website, the hosting market is increasing day by day. Thus it can provide you with a big opportunity to make a profit in your reseller hosting business. Therefore, if you are planning to avoid this profit-making business plan due to the competition issue, then you should never do that.

Customers Are Available Only For A Few Months:

Another misconception about reseller hosting is that people think this business gets customers only for the first few months. However, this is a false statement, and you should avoid it. Usually, all businesses try to grow and get new customers every day. Thus every business nowadays tries to have an online platform for ease of operation. So every business needs a website and hosting provider. In this way, hosting businesses have a high demand all time.

Therefore, it is easy to get new customers for your reseller hosting business every day. You can explain your packages to the business owners and gain their trust. This way, you can get new customers and grow your reseller hosting business.

Selling The Services As Your Brand Is Not Practical:

This is another myth that every person fears about. In general, people think that customers can easily understand that you are a reseller and don’t buy the services from you. Because everyone wants to buy services from actual businesses, you have a low chance of selling your services as a reseller. However, this statement is not true.

Web hosting providers provide a feature called white level hosting for resellers to let them sell the services as their own. This way, your customers can’t know that you are a reseller, and you can sell the services as an independent web hosting provider.


Therefore, reseller hosting is a profitable business for making a good income. Any person who has basic hardware knowledge about web hosting can start this business. Also, it is simple to sell your services as a brand and get new customers every day. Moreover, you need to clear all these illusions in your mind before starting this business in order to gain profit and increase your business.