How to Manage Web Hosting Downtime?

website hosting

website hosting

Every website owner wants to keep their website functioning all time so that their visitors will keep enjoying their content. But due to several reasons, a website can suffer from downtime even if the website owner doesn’t want that. When your website goes down, it will have an impact on your SEO and spoil your business’s prestige. Also, you will lose sales and customers. So it is better to prevent your website from going down.

There can be many reasons that can make a website go offline. Even large sites experience downtime occasionally due to some specific reasons. So even if your website goes offline, there may not be any wrong with your website. Here are some common reasons that can make your website suffer from downtime.

  1. Server Experiencing Overload:

If your hosting package is not meant to handle a rush in traffic, then your website can experience downtime. Moreover, it can depend on your hosting provider and server. In the case of shared hosting, when there is a rush in traffic on other websites, your website will get affected by that. It is the bad neighbor effect in shared hosting, and many websites get affected by it. Although most hosting providers try to solve this problem, it still happens and overloads the server that causes many websites down.

  1. Theme Or Plugin Issue In CMS:

If you are using a content management system for managing your website, then a theme or plugin issue can be the reason for the server downtime. Though CMS is a brilliant solution for managing your website, it also has many problems. For example, when a plugin or theme doesn’t update properly, it can make your CMS down.

  1. Issue In Coding:

The coding issue is another reason for making your website offline. Usually, in thousands of lines of code, it can be difficult to find one error line and solve that. It is a human error, and you can identify it when there is no issue in the server, but your website is down.

  1. Free Hosting:

If you are using free hosting services, then this can happen to your website frequently. Free hosting services are not ideal for handling high traffic. Therefore, it can cause downtime when your traffic increases.

Tips To Eliminate Website Downtime:

If your website is experiencing downtime, then you can find many ways to deal with that. Here are some simple tips to eliminate your website downtime.

  1. Find Out The Reason For Downtime:

As mentioned above, downtime can occur due to several reasons. So it is important to identify the reason for downtime in order to resolve that. Most of the time, it can happen due to hardware failure in your server. However, try to understand the root cause so that you can prevent it in the future.

  1. Select A Good Host:

Your hosting service can also be the reason for the repeating server downtime. So you should select a good and reliable hosting service for your business. Usually, managed hosting is good to go with because it performs regular backups and updates automatically. Also, it informs you of the status of your website and ensures that there is no server downtime by sending you notifications. This also keeps your website secure from suspicious activities by informing you regularly.

  1. Renew Your Domain And Hosting On Time:

If you forget to renew your domain or hosting, then it can cause downtime. Sometimes such silly mistakes can cause a big problem. Therefore, you need to configure your hosting and domain to auto-renew to prevent server downtime.

  1. Enhance Security:

Hackers usually try to make your website down to access your sensitive data. If they get access to your data and files, then you will face a big problem. Therefore, you should ensure that there are no access points on your website by improving security. You can install security plugins and take other necessary steps to improve security on your website.

  1. Perform Regular Backups:

Backing up your website is one of the best practices to save your website from serious problems. By using a backup service, you can save the copies of your site automatically and restore them when your site goes down. You can also install a plugin to perform the backups for you.


There is no website owner who will want to allow his/her website to suffer from downtime. But when this happens, it becomes difficult to manage things. However, here are some common reasons and tips in this article to help you manage web hosting downtime appropriately.