If you want to have a website but not sure of which software platform you want to build it then check out these 5 reasons why Linux VPS hosting is the right choice for your business.
It can’t be over emphasized that websites should be built on a stable platform. Whether Microsoft users agree or not the fact of the matter is that Linux is a stabler platform to build your websites on. The standardized Linux software that is built on unix is the operating system that’s perhaps the most widely used today. It has been one of the widely used field tested server operating systems around the world. No iota of doubt in saying that Microsoft made leaps and bounds in creating a more secure platform which doesn’t call for a fix every other day. Yet, Linux gets raved for its stable level of performance for a much longer time than window VPS.
There isn’t any arguing to the point that Linux is the most efficient and powerful operating system yet. There are many operating systems but if you should be looking for a stable, scalable OS with unbeatable power built on a software that’s absolutely free, then Linux VPS is the one.
Free, Free, Free
The best thing is that Linux is still free, stable, and has a vibrant, active community of users who advance the core at reasonable price. Users can have these deployed on their Linux VPS in no time.
Whatever be the flavor of Linux you are interested to go, the software that comes pre-installed as well as that is available are all free. Few thousands of superior quality applications and programs available will facilitate you to do several tasks with your server right from the day you set up and for no cost.
Web Readiness
More than half of all the websites have Apache as their web server and a major chunk running other linux-based web server technologies. Besides, virtualization technologies, and libraries such as Hadoop, RDBMS systems used by some prominent tech companies run on Linux distros. Now that tells a lot about the software as well as its reach in the business. Open source software is future. Now think about it! Not to forget Microsoft hasn’t reached web readiness yet.
Most will say it’s a matter of opinion, but the truth of the matter is that when we analyze the growing startup community, and the explosive advancement of online technologies, the thing we find over and over again is that the majority of these companies aren’t launching on Windows machines. They’re launching on Linux machines. Prominent technologies such as MongoDB, nginx, and Tornado were all built with Linux machines. But Windows can technically be setup to run Python, PHP, MySQL, NodeJS, and the likes, yet performance and security wise it is not par Linux.
Now tell if you would bet on Linux VPS hosting or not? There are several choices in the Cheap Linux Server and Cheap Linux hosting that fit in your budget. Good luck!